Sketches of The Paw's Features


I envision my cover looking something like this. A stark difference between this imagining and the magazines I took inspiration from is the choice of diving the main image with two cats. One is a pet, loved and living a luxuriant, happy life, the other is a stray, aloof, alone, and living a miserable life. This divide symbolizes all of The Paw since the whole point of the magazine is to look at the lives of pets and the lives of strays. I would insert little buzzwords on puffs, like "Which pet toy are you?" This is interactive and makes readers want to dive in to the magazine. I would have the masthead in a large serif font, since I believe it has a more serious, informed, effect.  The masthead would be on the top of the page, inside a rectangle that contrasts with the main image colors, so it is clear. Similarly, the coverline would be within a square over the main image, however the square would be slightly transparent to not take away or hide the issue.

Table of Contents:

The table of contents would be a spread with a picture taking up the entirety of the left page, and the actual words taking up the right. The left page would display the name of the magazine on the top of the page, and the image would be large and be based on a topic that is covered. Next to it would be the page number of that topic and a little description. On the right page, the pages would be listed and divided into four sections. One section would be about playing and having fun with animals, another would be taking care of animals in terms of bathing, grooming, etc, the third would be about health, such as diets, injuries, etc, and the fourth would be about how YOU could help animals. The sections would be divided into colors to help divide topics and help readers navigate (red, green, blue, and orange). The way in which the information is listed would be a few featuring a few topics that you would find in each section, along with a large page number, a mini description, and mini image to help accentuate the topic, The text on this page would be sans serif.

Feature Spread:

My spreads would appear similar to the table of contents in terms of having the spread divided by having a full image on the left, and text on the right. The only text would be on the left, and I would not write much since people would be turned away by large text boxes. The picture is based on the topic, and the fonts would be serif for the actual articles and sans serif for the titles. There would be mini images on the right page that would accentuate the information, and the page number would be large.


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