Photo Shoot Pictures and Reflection

These were just some of the pet and stray shots that I took. The first, second, and third are all shots of pets, with different intentions. The first one shows a caged dog, dirtied and injured. This was taken at an eye-level shot, to reveal the background is a basement, cold and dark. This also shows the pet's face, looking down, looking miserable. The intent of this is to show that pets do not always have better lives than strays. This would lead a page about improving pet well-being. The second picture is of a pet sleeping as well. This shot is to contrast the last. Although both are sleeping, notice how comfortable this one is. Instead of a cold concrete floor on a cold metal cage, this pet has a big, soft couch all to himself. There is also a window letting in nice, ambient morning light, and a lamp right next to him. This shot shows a pet living lavishly, and would also help with the well-being topics. The third is of myself and one of my own dogs. We are outside playing catch. I used her ball to get her to excitedly look into the camera. This picture captures the heartwarming, playful side of having a pet, and helps convey the love between a human and their dog. The final picture was taken outside of a Walmart. It depicts a lonely stray looking distressed in the damp dirt (it was raining). This shows hardship in the life of strays, but notice the prop that it is next to: the bowl. This shows that an active effort to help out the strays, a key purpose that The Paw is focused on.


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