Planning Photo Shoot Part One

The pictures for my magazine will primarily be about animals, cats and dogs, in different settings and with different props. The following are my plans for carrying out my photo shoot(s).

The idea or concept or The Paw's pictures would be of cats and dogs in certain scenarios that visualize the topic being discussed. I will photograph both pets and strays, and have shots of them in a loving setting, a cold, alone setting, having fun, being anxious, etc. The idea is to have a split between those that are loved and those that are not, in attempt to improve the well being of animals in both sides of the spectrum. By showing a stray near a Walmart, you can see that strays are close to home, and how easily they can be supported yet are not, despite food, water, people, shelter, and toys being so close to them. By showing a cat eating one brand of food when faced with three brands, you can see which type of food your cat may prefer. Either way, the goal is to spread care.

I do not own professional photography experience, however with my yearbook experience, I have vision in my shots, and so I can make do. I would be using my iPhone's camera, but if that fails, I do have access to yearbook class cameras, although it is not likely I would be borrowing them.

I would be taking pictures all around Miami. Miami is an ideal spot for my pictures, an urban area with congestion is the prime location for stray shots. And the high amount of people increases the amount of pet owners, so it is easier for me to get pet shots. I would be going to different homes for pet pictures and I would also go to pet stores to get shots with props. For the strays, I will drive around the city with an open eye, as they can be found all over the place. As a matter of fact as I write this, I know my grandma's car shop has many, many strays, so that looks like a good setting. I have seen strays all over the place though, most recently at a Walmart.

My models would be the animals, and they would have natural or home backdrops. This is to reflect where they life, what they receive. The only humans that would be shown in pictures would be pet owners or people ignoring the strays, to emphasize their treatment. They would pose with certain props, like a cardboard box that serves a home, trash, a toy, a full food and water bowl, etc.

I would try to get natural lighting for the strays, though I would mainly try to get dark, shadowy shots that symbolize the dark, dangerous, cold world of strays. For pets, indoor lighting, specifically yellow, would symbolize warmth, calm, etc. 


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