
Showing posts from December, 2018

Researching Catster

        After analyzing all the different parts of the magazine, doing background research of Catser allows for understanding of the reasons why they styled the magazine the way they did. Knowing the information such as audience, purpose, and history explains why certain techniques were used. Learning about these may influence how I will make my magazine, for Catster magazine is similar to what I intend, so by having similar purposes and audiences, it makes sense that I adopt the steps it has taken for its own work.         The audience for Catster magazine consists of cat lovers and cat owners. Their target influences their work, for if they want to sell to cat fans, they have to make a feline-based magazine. My own audience is similar but not exact. While it does include cat lovers and cat owners, I want to branch out to other species like dogs. It is also not pet specific, since I will cover the well being of strays. Thus, my magazine would do what Catster is doing, just w

Catster Feature Spread

        Today's entry is based on the feature spread. The feature spread are the pages usually about the dominant photo on the cover on the magazine issue. If something is the dominant photo, that means it is largely important, or the best feature in the issue, so it makes sense that a lot of effort would go into creating a certain look or design on this spread. Catster, the animal care magazine I have analysed in the past, will provide three different feature spreads that will be compared. Through this, I will retain certain techniques that I learn about.         First off, one issue makes use of both pages of the spread for the article, the other two only use one page and use the second for either a large picture or an ad. Using both spreads for the article allows for more discussion and elaboration of the issue. Using the large picture allows for more visual appeal, while using an ad benefits the publisher and could also benefit readers. Out of these three, I wo

Catser Table of Contents

        Today, I will be doing something similar to the last post. However, instead of comparing the covers of three Caster magazines issues, I will be comparing the table of contents of three different issues. The purpose of the table of contents is to showcase what will be featured in the magazine. It is typically one of the first things that a person sees, as they would want to know what the magazine contains. Thus, it makes sense to want to create a certain style within your tables of content that would me memorable and enticing. By comparing the Catster magazines, I will make note of the efforts made to accomplish that, talking about them and taking from them for my own magazine's table of contents.         Each issue has 80 pages. This forms consistency; it makes it a memorable trait of Catster. Not only are there 80 pages, but each magazine divides those pages into the same sections, and some pages are kept with the same topics/features. For example, each issue h

Sway and Summary of Research Findings Summary of Research:   Catster was originally named Cat Fancy but that was then replaced with Catster and Dogster. Catster released monthly. It's first issue was published in 1965 .  Since then, each issue was dedicated to a certain breed, indicated via the cover. The magazine also has had health tips, polls, editor's notes, stories written by cat owners, cat products, cat themed fashion, and a picture gallery in the past issues. While Catster now does not focus on certain breeds per issue, it has kept the content provided the same. This is useful to me because it shows that I will not start out with the perfect magazine, rather, I have to get started, then I learn what works as I progress. I will make note of absolutes and be sure to broaden (like instead of focusing on one type of animal like Cat Fancy did).